Servizio fotografico!

Durante l’anno ci si presentano molte occasioni in cui dobbiamo pensare ai regali, ci chiediamo cosa posso regalare?? alcuni per trarre ispirazione vanno su google e cercano parole come: idee regalo, codice sconto, cofanetti regalo o parole simili, con l’intento di trovare qualche idea.

Clienti provenienti da varie parti del mondo richiedono i miei servizi fotografici a Roma. Coppie che vengono a Roma per viaggio di nozze, per anniversario o per altri motivi, scelgono i miei servizi fotografici in giro per la città in modo da vivere un esperienza indimenticabile e portare con se ricordi speciali di loro immersi nella città più antica e romantica al mondo!

Potrebbe essere un idea per il tuo prossimo regalo? pensaci, contattami.

qua sotto puoi acquistare un mio servizio da regalare a chi vuoi. 

Fai una domanda a Girolamo Monteleone

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 You + Rome + Emotions = Unforgettable experience


Are you coming to Italy for Vacation?

Get a professional photoshoot with us in real Made in Italy Style!

I am a  professional photographer who love the city of Rome. Every shot i take merge the unique features of this breathtaking city with the emotions of the couples. I want to catch the love of those fiancé, wedding couples, families or newlyweds on honeymoon.

Lose yourselves among the suggestive and intriguing spots of Rome, while we secretly draw your beautiful moment with a perfect, natural and and spontaneous shot. I will use all my empathy to put  the long-time experience I have as a wedding photojournalist, at your service. 

Are you ready for an unforgettable experience?



Booking my photographic service is very simple!

Every shot they take blends in the magic of this splendid city with the emotions of the couples who are portrayed. I am primarily aimed at those who want to immortalize their love, those engaged, wedding couples, families or newlyweds on honeymoon.

1. Send us an email to with the date you would like for the photo shoot 

2. You will receive a reply in a few days, with all the details including the start time of the service and the place to meet our photographer

3. For this  service you can be paid easily and safely via Paypal.

4. On the day of the photo shoot you will meet the professional photographer at the agreed meeting place.

5. The most exciting moment: the photographic tour will take you to the best corners in Rome and capture every moment

6. At the end of the photo shoot you will pay the due balance to us.

7. In the week after the photo shoot our photographers will carefully select the most beautiful pictures, improving them in detail: you will receive the images through a online data transfer system.


Are you ready for an unforgettable experience?

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