Photo reportage all made in Italy

Once upon a time…..



Street photo reportage 

Have you ever heard about it? Well, the best thing of this kind of reportage is that you don\’t need any fake face or makeup, you just need to be yourselves and enjoy your walk through the city.



\”Tuning up\” with your personal photographer

What I also liked of them is that they completely trusted me and followed my instructions. This helps a lot in this kind of photo reportage, because it gives me the opportunity to show my clients the best spots of the city that normal tourists don\’t usually see and in this way they really have the chance of appreciating even more the service they payed for.


It\’s all in your hands

What do you say? Do you want to live their same experience? Do you want to make the most out of your holiday? Well… you are…just ask and I\’ll be at your service!!!


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